Lao Massage
Your masseur or masseuse will be grateful for a tip. The staff will be happy if you have the decency to take a shower before you go. They won't say anything to your face, but smelly foreigners make their job less than pleasant. The one next to The Drop Zone on Chao Anou Road is particularly delightful. The massage parlour does not really have a name, and the most prominent signboard merely says "now open".
Grooming @ Holiday Barber
This salon is right across from the Home Ideal department store. This place is the best salon in Vientiane. To get an idea of how reasonable the pricing is, here are some of the services and their prices: 1 hour long massage for 30,000 kip, mani/pedi + foot scrape for 30,000 kip, brazilian blowout 100,000 kip.
Picnicking on the Shores of Nam Ngum Lake
A local favorite. There are floating restaurants along the lake shore; their specialty is fish fresh from the lake. Cruises among the lake's islands can be booked here, which makes for a relaxing couple of hours. Just inquire at your guest house/hotel or at any travel agency where they will then try to sell their tours.
Green Discovery Laos
Agency organising adventure tours and eco-tourism
Muay Lao (Kickboxing)
The national sport of Lao PDR. Similar to Muay Thai but not a tourist trap like most gyms in Thailand